Hello BYH! My 2 pregnant Nigerian dwarf goats like to eat Sweet Gum leafs, daisies, and lots of other things, can I allow them to eat this stuff? Or is it not good for them? We have lots of different kinds of plants on our property. I am going to attach pictures, can someone identify these...
Hello BYH! We are new to having goats, we have 2 pregnant Nigerian dwarf goats. We were told that some plants/weeds are poisonous to goats, but we have no idea which plants they are. :idunnoWe have 3 acres and a lot of different kinds of plants. What are the plants that are poisonous to Nigerian...
Hello Everyone! :frow I am new to BackyardHerds. We have 40 chickens, 3 ducks, 2 lavender guineas, 3 Great Pyrenees dogs, and We just got 2 pregnant Nigerian dwarf goats. We are new to goats, so any advice helps!