Search results

  1. ENSJ

    Milk sheep?

    1. Do you or have you ever kept sheep for milk? What was your experience? 2. What supplements would they need in addition to high-quality grass 3. What is the care level compared to horses and goats 4. What would the yearly cost look like 1. Not yet. I know people who do keep dairy herds. 2...
  2. ENSJ

    Milk sheep?

    For hot climates hair sheep like Kathadin, St. Croix and Dorper are best. All three can actually be milked with the best known ones being the Kathadin even though they are not prolific milkers and won't give you as much as an East Friesian for example. Dorpers are better milk producers...
  3. ENSJ

    Milk sheep?

    Finnsheep and Icelandic sheep are commonly kept for milk, meat and wool. They are smaller than other dairy sheep. The wool of Icelandic has two types in it, combine the two and you get traditional lopi. Dual coated fleece — Icelandic fleece is the most versatile of all breeds and is a hand...
  4. ENSJ

    My dream farm is... And yours?

    Yes, now for the cons ^^ Unlike cows and other dairy animals, you can't wean the foal and expect milk production to stay. The foal has to stay with the mother either at night or during the day and then separated for the mother to milk. Most horse dairy farms keep the foal with the mare at night...
  5. ENSJ

    My dream farm is... And yours?

    Um yes. Now most horse milk around here is used for drinking but also processed in hygiene products (lotions, soap). But it's closer to human milk than other animals that are milked and a good alternative for people with cow milk allergy. It's also used for colicky babies who can't keep anything...
  6. ENSJ


    I have and have a ton of heritage breeds I'm interested in. With sheep I like the Brecknock Hill Cheviot, Black Welsh Mountain Sheep and Icelandic sheep. You already know my goat preferences, though I also like Gottenburg and British Alpine (for the swiss style cheeses, not for milk). Edit...
  7. ENSJ


    When I say smaller sheep I'm thinking of Brecknock Hill Cheviot and Black Welsh Mountain sheep. They are not as small as the Ouessant or Soay, but not as big as some other breeds. It'd be a happy medium. For goats, I like a lot of breeds, but for dairy I'd lean to Nigerian Dwarf (for the high...
  8. ENSJ

    My dream farm is... And yours?

    Yeah it's a utopian one. And it would essentially be a small village actually when you look at it. Now scaling it down (less breeds, small herds of those breeds and all of the lumber and slaughter done off site by external services) would make it more realistic. I'd probably try to go for at...
  9. ENSJ


    I think I already read your thread about the Hereford pigs and their pig palace ^^ Been studying up like crazy on different breeds and what would work for me (I'd like to take my farm commercial if I ever manage to start it, so it's a different take from a hobby farm). Though I'd prefer smaller...
  10. ENSJ

    My dream farm is... And yours?

    What would your dream farm be? If you had unlimited resources and all the time in the world (plus enough people to help with whatever size operation you wanted). Mine is the following. I'd like a holistic farm, actually more like a commune because I'd like enough land to house people for free...
  11. ENSJ


    Hi all, I registered on backyardchickens and found this forum through there. I don't have any animals yet (save for cats and dogs), but I dream of one day owning and running a farm based on syntropic and permaculure principles. I'd love to have all kinds of animals, though smaller sized...