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  1. Weldman

    Coffee anyone ?

    It has been going on the past 2 months. First thought it was heat, then thought it was Pooch since we caught him in the coop, both are gone and still no eggs. Then we found those loose dogs and it started making sense. These ducks laid till it got to -20°F
  2. Weldman

    Coffee anyone ?

    It ain't y'all forgot, it's y'all had a heavy dose of coffee and all jacked up on caffeine so your fingers are just floating across the keys. Was going to get the dump truck out, but forgot I like to let the sealant to sit a 24 hr period before refilling fluids unless it's formulated for such...
  3. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Not a year yet, nine months old. I got some coyote traps.
  4. Weldman

    Coffee anyone ?

    My back would go to start to hurting by about 0600 hrs. I'm surprised you aren't pacing the floors, maybe you can go feed the pigeons and squirrels. Ah Saturday the day of rest :gigI'm going to finish putting in the differential I started last Wednesday, and measure for an estimate for a...
  5. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Would be doing like that Bob Dylan song out here, The answer my friend, is blown' in the wind... as it rolls away in next wind storm. Pooch can't fit in his dog house anymore, maybe I should put that in there...
  6. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    I need to put my livestock shelters and build a dog house or two for the local auction in town. This is pathetic to put on the auction block.
  7. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Our daily drivers are parked less than 10' away and I know they aren't that good. Pooch would have a field day barking if they showed up in the night. All I have to do is open the door and have a great line of sight.
  8. Weldman

    Coffee anyone ?

    No sleep last night, too angry. Looks like the 10th is the last day of summer, I only see highs in the upper 70's from then on out. Pulled a 14 hour shift yesterday no thanks to my own fault for noticing things. Finishing up a rig when I spotted carriage bearing going south, that will create a...
  9. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Welp I got an answer from the crazy lady for her court summons, she claims I can do all I want in "dirt work" as the documents say. She claims she never blocked me yet done it multiple times on video, she claims I trespassed on "her" property, I assaulted her, that I'm widening the road and I...
  10. Weldman

    SageHill Ranch Journal

    She looks ready to go back to work , most dogs are laid out flat getting nursed on.
  11. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    I'm going to end the party myself. Pooch use to not leave, but after seeing this I wonder if he has taken up the habit cause of them. I don't know who these dogs belong to except the Blue heeler, looks as it's the crazy lady dog. Those aren't my pictures, they are from a mile from here and that...
  12. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    I found out why Pooch flipped a 180° killing my birds amongst other stuff unlike him. Those aren’t mine, I recognize one of them. I thought it was coyotes were raiding the guinea fowl nests and since I didn’t hear him bark I began to think it was him raiding the nest. We went from a dozen eggs...
  13. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Only one trail cam. With everything they have broken cameras aren't looking too good in the future with the expense of everything we have paid for. One thing to get cameras, it's another to get cameras that will still function in 115°F to -60°F, factor in the terrain to try and cover over all...
  14. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Wife came home to pigs out while I was in town, battery been disconnected and the wire going from the charger to fence line gone. Add in the tire tracks and no sleep last night on top of all other previous encounters. That's all I can say.
  15. Weldman

    Coffee anyone ?

    Went to visit some neighbors yesterday and on the way, found tire tracks north of our home where someone parked and looks as they walked back towards to our property to watch us. Wasn't the crazy lady and by the width of the tracks I have good idea who. Apparently they know where the cameras are...
  16. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Yeah I tried that once and found them later stolen and posted elsewhere. Guess I better start water marking 😒 Interesting the wife is same way yet haven't had a problem, bet I got reported. Tied another dead guinea fowl to Pooch as one got within his reach down 3 to guinea fowl out of 20 now...
  17. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Guess I will go back to the ol’ fashion way., EDDM through USPS cost me about $40 each time. Might even expand it some for other outside routes.
  18. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    No it's real and they allow those two pages to be displayed, but the page on me has no pictures of me, just my 5 ton and it's what got suspended. Though since it's suspended that locks me out of my business pages for access even though still active. I've been ghosted a few times on those...
  19. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Usually they want more than a picture when hacked, they want passwords, credit card numbers and whatever pertinent information they can get.
  20. Weldman

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    Well I’m locked out even on my mobile apps and logged out from seeing my chat history too on the Meta business messenger. To get into my account requires two steps, one being a text message code and the password is more than letters or numbers over 17 characters.