Looking more into my goat feeding and treats I came onto this list today:
I do hope it's helpful to others
What is Toxic to Goats? 50 Things Goats Can’t Eat
Contrary to popular belief, goats do not eat everything … or tin cans. The items on this list are dangerous to deadly for goats to eat...
Thank you so very much, and yes, yes, yes! I've read bout the feed efficiency and milk quality, that is what got me started. The Lamancha eats like a horse! Never knew a goat could eat so much lol
I know it could vary but just want to get basic idea of what size kids should grow to be. This is a big, tall Lamancha doe, just avereage
ND size buck. Weight, heigth anyone with experience, would love to hear from you, TY
UPDATE: Today on social media someone posted her new Lamancha kids...
I'm JosieAnn, just joined up today. I found this group while looking for an answer to my latest venture.
I look forward to finding answers and getting tou know more goat people, have a "goat day" all :)