Thanks everyone for the replies! You've all got me sold on La Manchas now. :) I'm leaning now towards getting a Boer AND a LaMancha buck. I need two anyways so that they're not lonely since they'll be kept far from the ladies, and that way I can choose which to breed depending on whether I...
We will be moving to an acreage next year, and goats are on the top of my list once we move! We are a family of 6 (kids ages 2-8), and are wanting to get 2 dairy does to start with, with the possibility of keeping one of the doe kids down the line once we get the hang of things. We are also...
Hubby and I are moving to an acreage next year, and I've been dreaming of the day when we can get some goats and chickens! We will most likely be setting up out own barn and fencing, so I've been researching like mad for months now trying to figure out what the best setup would be, while still...