Thanks for the replies. Last night my husband got a quart total from both of them (mostly from the Togg). It was 90 again today, so I'm not sure how much I'll get when I go out to milk. We don't really have the means to separate the doeling. I thought we'd actually get more milk with her...
Hi, up until a few weeks ago, we were getting between 2-3 quarts a day of milk from our 2 goats. We were happy with that amount, enough for our family & some extra to make cheese, give to friends, etc. We have 2 does, both first fresheners & 3 years old. Our Togg kidded in April '11 and is...
Thanks for the pics & info on soapmaking. It sounds like fun. I've been making cheese for a few months and want to try soap. I know you can buy lye online. Are there places where you can buy it locally? Thanks.
Thanks for answering me. They are Togg/Oberhasli crosses. My 2 does don't have horns, so if I did keep the boys with their horns intact, wouldn't that be an issue? I also have 3 kids (the human kind), so I don't know if any families with children would be comfortable buying/keeping goats with...
My doe had twin bucklings over a month ago and we didn't have them disbudded early enough. The vet said she could remove them surgically. We are planning to sell them and thought it would be easier for them to find homes if they didn't have horns. Has anyone had their goats dehorned? Is it...
I gave my 2 does 2 ml of CDT vaccine last night. I want to give it to our bucklings, but I'm not sure of the dosage. They are 4 week old Togg/Oberhasli crosses, not sure what they're weighing in at now. Do they get one shot & then a booster? Thanks.
Thanks so much for writing about your experiences. Still not sure what we'll do, but your replies gave me a lot to think about. Can dam-raised kids be as people-friendly as bottle raised ones? Aside from spending time with the kids, what can I do to keep them comfortable with us?
We bought 2 does last fall, and one is due to kid on 4/10. She's a Togg and a FF. I'm still not sure if I want to bottle feed the kid(s) or have Mina feed them. The breeders we bought her from bottle feed their kids and explained that there's less chance of CAE if the kids are fed...
I have 2 does, one is due to kid on 4/10. The breeder I bought them from last fall suggested I give them the CDT vaccine this spring. She thought Mina should have her CDT a month before kidding. My questions are: should I wait until after she kids, or can she still get it with 2 weeks to...
Thanks for all the suggestions. I put down wood chips for my chickens and thought I'd do the same for the goats. I've heard good things about the deep litter method, so we'll try that. We have 1.5 acres of our property fenced in (some of it wooded), I hope they do okay with that. It's 4' and...
Hi, I'm new here. Our family consists of 2 parents, 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 14 chickens. We are getting goats soon, 2 yearling does. One has just been bred. I'm wondering if there is a goat supply list that I can access here. We want to make sure that we have everything they'll need...