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  1. C

    Considering a Cow...

    If you have 1 acre of good grass that would be more than enough to keep a Dexter on during the growing season. Like other have mentioned it is still a good idea to have sacrifice area to keep her in when you need to let the grass grow. -Dave
  2. C

    Miniature Dual purposed - Breeding Dairy bull to Beef Cows

    J-Lows (jersey x lowline angus) are gaining popularity these days. They end up with a similar build and production to the Dexter. I would suggest just finding good Dexter breeding stock. Find a breeder or several breeders that are knowledgeable and then go after the genetics you want. Dexter...
  3. C

    I need help picking the right breed.

    Congratulations on the milk cow! If you decide to get a steer or two to raise for beef I highly recommend Dexters. Dexters have the unique ability to finish on grass alone, and maintain a great flavor and very tender texture. If you have any other questions about Dexters feel free to...
  4. C

    Multi- purpose cattle- Oxen teams?

    Hi Andrea, I'm glad to hear you are considering Dexters. I was in the same basic position you are about five years ago. In that time I have had full size jersey's and normal (mini) sized Dexters. If I had it all to do over again I would not have wasted my time with the Jersey! I love my...