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  1. coso

    Runty Alpine wethers

    Did you use anything for coccidia? Did you do any fecals to make sure your wormer is actually working ? If they are truly a full size alpine pushing a year old they should weigh over 100# easy !! Will they grow more ? Depends on if they have scar tissue in there intestine from coccidia an...
  2. coso

    Bottle feeding larger goats

    I have some two week olds on the lambar right now and they are talking about 36oz a piece a day in two feedings. Probably would take close to 40 if you can feed three times a day. ;)
  3. coso

    How poisonous is azalea?

    My goats got out once in the yard and ate some of my azeleas about five or six years ago. I had some very sick goats. So out came the azeleas. ;)
  4. coso

    Ear issues? Maybe? Update and need expert advice!

    I smell mine. I know thats gross but if it is just earwax I wipe out with a wet wipe, pour a little peroxide down it. They will sling it out. If it is infected I have used Today and use a little in the ear. My .02. :lol:
  5. coso

    re-record a dairy goat

    Did the person you bought her from get registration papers from the original owner. If she did and he signed off on them. She can then register her and transfer to you. If she did not get papers from the original owner, and the original owner will not transfer the registration papers to you...
  6. coso

    Um... was she or wasn't she in heat?

    It seems like I have one or two short cycle like this a year, especially doelings on their first heat. Completely normal.
  7. coso

    alfalfa cubes

    I'd start buying the alfalfa pellets. Lot easier on you and the goats. ;)