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  1. chickenlover0805

    Pregnant Cow Help!

    She hasn't had it yet :( but her udder is bigger
  2. chickenlover0805

    Pregnant Cow Help!

    here she was with her mother today, she's acting normal now
  3. chickenlover0805

    Pregnant Cow Help!

    She had an older brother that looked identical to her! He was a good tasting cow lol
  4. chickenlover0805

    Pregnant Cow Help!

    @farmerjan So in response to your questions, yes I am aware she is obese, but this is out of my control. All my cows just eat grass, hay, and some occasional treats. The last time I saw her urinate was tonight and it was entirely normal, in a strong flow. This is not her first calf btw, the one...
  5. chickenlover0805

    Pregnant Cow Help!

    So I went outside a few mins ago and she ate some corn but she was in an entirely different pasture when i first went out. She went up to the barnyard gate once I threw out some corn. I can't tell if she has a temperature. This is probably her second or third calf. They do have a barn to access...
  6. chickenlover0805

    Pregnant Cow Help!

    I have no clue. One of my cows gave birth to a stillborn on August 10th so I'm assuming that she may be due very soon. We got the bull last October and he was butchered in January, which means that's the time frame she got pregnant in. Her udder isn't getting bigger yet so I don't know how long...
  7. chickenlover0805

    Pregnant Cow Help!

    Hello! My beef cow, Bella, is currently pregnant. This evening I gave her herd some treats (zucchini and eggplants). She was standing by the gate while the other cows were relaxing in the field. I gave her one eggplant and she ate it. After that she refused to eat anything else (which is unusual...
  8. chickenlover0805


    I'm from central Wisconsin
  9. chickenlover0805


    hi! I'm a 4-H member looking to maybe show cows, sheep, or goats. i have a bunch of chickens/pullets, 3 cows, cats n dogs, and 12 ducks. im currently looking into getting katahdin sheep or some dwarf goats to fill an empty part of the barn where my grandma's sheep used to be back in 2015.