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  1. E

    4 beautiful Alpacas for fiber in Northern CA

    I have four beautiful fiber boys for sale. They are papered and come from excellent lines. One has a multimillion grandfather. Their fiber is grade 1 or 2. I am asking $500 each which is a steal. Please feel free to email or PM me. for pics and more details
  2. E

    If i get a pig will it eat me?

    Well I am tremendously glad I found this thread.. I know nothing about pigs, but I am always driving by a neighbors house with a pot belly pig and today I was thinking it might be kind of cool to have one in with the chickens... um... apparently not LOLOLOL... thank you so much for the info!!
  3. E

    general alpaca questions

    So the boys have been here a week...and it has been an eventful week to say the their previous home..Mancha was head of herd....once here the little Cruiser seemed to take tonight as I m sitting in the pasture Mancha and Stormy are really going at it....Do they ever...
  4. E

    LGD barked ALLLLLLL night and the neighbors are going to kill me....

    yes, that is a good point about not discouraging them from guarding but getting them to see that what she is barking at is not a threat... I will try that tonight. Thanks... All in all it went pretty well. She was essentially quiet from 10 till 6 except for one or two barks. That to me is...
  5. E

    LGD barked ALLLLLLL night and the neighbors are going to kill me....

    I understand she is doing her job and am confident she would settle down if given time...she is eager to please too...but as I have been sitting here..she is barking at planes and cars and just about anything. She will stop barking immediately if I say tessa no...which I m doing for all the...
  6. E

    LGD barked ALLLLLLL night and the neighbors are going to kill me....

    Well we put up a no bark bird emits high pitched sound next to the neighbors...she has a citrus collar on and I m spending the night in the pasture...tonight has to go better than last night or tessa will have to go back which would stink!!!! I just don't have anywhere else to put...
  7. E

    LGD barked ALLLLLLL night and the neighbors are going to kill me....

    Tessa our new beautiful anatolian/great pyr cross barked ALLL night long. It was her first night here... she was raised with the alpacas she came with, but she barked all night long. Our neighbor's house is closer to our back pasture than we are, so they heard it all night long. And their...
  8. E

    Livestock Guardian Dogs

    We are getting alpacas in the next week or soon as the fence is finished.. that is a whole nother story LOL... anyway.. they are coming with a GP/ASD. She was raised with these alpacas and knows them and is a good guard dog and as sweet as can be. My question sounds kind of silly...
  9. E

    need help deciding......

    well, we decided to use our own pasture... I really think that is the best choice... so my 12 yo dd and I rented an auger from home depot and did 41 post holes 3 ft deep.. I am so sore I can't move.... but very happy with our accomplishment.. and because I have health issues... this is a BIG...
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    need help deciding......

    I just figured out the cost difference.... to fence ours it will be around 1845$ and to fence and prepare her property it would be around 1250... so about 600 dollar difference up front...
  11. E

    need help deciding......

    I am getting albacas... 4 of them.... I have a pasture that I would need to put up fencing on plus get a shelter area into... which I plan on doing this coming week and all the arrangements are made... OR My neighbor has just offered me her HUGE pasture that is 3 times the size of my pasture...
  12. E

    great idea for critter housing

    I was looking on craigslist for a shed and came across wooden shipping containers... the moving companies sell them for between 25 and 75 dollers a peice and they are 5x7x7 and are raised up off the ground on a pallet. I figured I could put two together with some bracing in the middle, leave...
  13. E

    Hi from Auburn CA

    We have had chickens for years, but we are getting alpacas next week. Four beautiful boys. We are very excited.. working on the fencing this weekend and new structure and they will be ready to come to their new home.. Just thought I would say hi... I will try and post pics of them... I will...