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  1. M

    Livestock Guardian Dogs

    Another awesome source of help is Jackie Church at Jackie has the most knowledge and understanding of the LGD mind of anyone and anything I have come across in several years of LGD research. She does individual consults for behavior, training, and orientation challenges.
  2. M

    Comparing rabbit raising to chicken raising

    Actually we're thinking of raising both. I should have clarified...We'll keep raising chickens but some of my (adult) kids are interested in adding meat rabbits. Our meat chickens take 10-12 weeks to mature and rabbits are ready in what, a few weeks? Also it would be easier for us to raise...
  3. M

    Manures and the garden

    Can anyone give an idea of how various manures can be used in the garden? Like which ones should never be used, which ones need to age first, which ones can be put directly in the garden? I'm especially wondering about pig manure, as I have heard that it should never be used and also that you...
  4. M

    Comparing rabbit raising to chicken raising

    I have chickens but have never raised rabbits. If you have had both, can you give a general comparison about level of maintenance and processing? It looks to me like rabbits require less maintenance than chickens and experience fewer potential problems. Is the processing similar?
  5. M

    Milking a non-dairy breed

    With food sources looking precarious lately, I am curious about something. If there were a milk shortage, could we milk our beef breed mamas that have calves? I realize there would not be as much milk as a dairy breed, but is there enough for the calf to share with people?
  6. M

    Livestock Guardian Dogs

    RussellMary, my understanding is that instinctively, LGDs will usually not let anyone or anything in their domain that does not usually belong and is not OK'd by the alpha (which would be the owner). We have seen that with our own Maremmas. One day some frequent visitors that the dogs know...
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    Fencing for pigs?

    So electric seems to be crucial. Have any of you used high tensile wire for pigs? We're looking at that for cattle/horse fencing and heard it works for pigs too, with an electric strand.
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    Processed seven meat rabbits today!

    Have you also processed chickens? I'm curious about the difference between processing rabbits and poultry--is it simpler/faster/easier/harder to do one or the other?
  9. M

    Livestock Guardian Dogs

    We don't have sheep or goats, but we do have two wonderful Maremmas! I can tell you about how they are with children and other dogs. We got great advice from our breeders about introductions, orientations, and adapting to situations. A LGD will quickly learn what is normal and acceptable to you...
  10. M

    Fencing for pigs?

    Thanks, Ohio--that is helpful to read. We didn't know pigs could climb!! Fencing really is a key then. Great advice from both you and Freemotion.
  11. M

    Fencing for pigs?

    What kind of fencing is needed to keep pigs in an area? We have 48" field fencing around our perimeter but would like to fence in an area within it for a few weaner pigs next spring.