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  1. andalusn


    DH grew up in Woodland and we lived on the Lewis River on a houseboat many years ago.. The mountain would blow and I'd run to the top of the dike snap a new picture and go back in the house ;)
  2. andalusn


    Another SW WA member. Just a few mi north of Portland Oregon. Our 5 acres is home to horses, chickens and Katahdin Hair Sheep. busy with lambing. Total of 4 pregnant, two lambed already and 2 more to go soon. It a rainy day here ....again. Just checked the ewe and now back to sewing bags...
  3. andalusn

    Triplets pic

    simply adorable :thumbsup
  4. andalusn

    Would a Katahdin/Dorper cross work?

    Another thought would be to contact multiple breeders of the breeds your interested in and find out if they are involved in a National Herd Improvement Program for their breed. When they do this they are keeping a percentage of what they are breeding and integrating that into their current herd...
  5. andalusn

    Do you remove a ram from the flock after lambing?

    I have two lambing stalls/pens but the main area is for everybody. I still have two ewes to go that are due soon. It's nice and sunny today so I let everyone out together. Ewe #1 lambed on Mon 7th and ewe #2 lambed on 17th. Wondering if I should remove the ram altogether from the group and...