Also, she has part of the plascenta coming out, but she hasn't passed it. Is it OK to help her and pull on it gently to see if it comes out? She seems to be doing well otherwise, eating and pooping.
Apparently, there were 3. The one was quite under-developed and still in its sack. Maybe the body initiated a miscarriage because of the tiny one. She cleaned the other two, but they never made it.
My husband will get photos for me to post. I have an rejected lamb that we have been feeding and having in the house because he was not staying warm. Do you think the ewe might take him if we rub the lambs on him and put them together?
We brought him in at week 2. He will be 4 weeks this Friday. We made him a sweater and just put him back outside. We'll watch and see how he does. We did find one of our other ewes had birthed since this morning and had stillborn twins. I wonder if it is possible to get that ewe and this...
This is our first year with our Dorper/Katahdin sheep. Our 11month old ewe just birthed stillborn twins. We do not know how far along she was, but the lambs seem decent size. Is there any way to determine what went wrong? Also, will her body pass the placenta like it would in a normal birth...
This is our first year with our Dorper/Katahdins and our first experience with newborn lambs. I have a Dorper/Katahdin male born 3 weeks ago. He is a twin among triplets. Initially we were not worried about him. It was the other twin that we needed to watch. He did fine for the first...