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  1. C

    Winterizing rabbits

    Any tips on how to winterize the rabbits? We have them in cages in a shelter my hubby built. They will be free from the snow, but my main concern is that all the grass/hay we put in there now they kick out...I know we are seriously going to have to stock up on hay too for the winter..If we have...
  2. C

    Too fat single baby...problems

    I figured there was a name for it, thanks so much for the link..I do think it's from just being way too fat! We've never seen a kit grow this fat so fast...
  3. C

    Too fat single baby...problems

    We have this cali rabbit that kindled just one baby about two weeks ago...Problem is, the baby, so stinkin cute, is the fattest thing I've ever seen, and it shows..She looks like a sea turtle with her legs. I think she's so fat, she cant get her legs under her..So, imagine like a sea turtles...
  4. C

    No wonder he's the runt..Pic

    Thought so..There's some sort of genetic thing going on there..Almost like Downs for a rabbit...His face is not right..
  5. C

    No wonder he's the runt..Pic

    That's a tooth sticking up there..His nose is also quite flat When should we cull?
  6. C

    Blood a day before delivery of litter???

    Wow..I have no idea...Maybe just getting ready kinda blood? There might have been a small problem with the birth..I'm gonna watch this thread!
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    Need help

    They will come out on their own when they are about 2-3 weeks old, and start eating..Ours, it's so cute/funny, sit at the water thing licking away, then eat food, then try to nurse, then just snuggle..They are so funny!
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    sexin kits

    I was just looking at mine today trying to figure it out, but they are only a few weeks old..So, Ill wait and see..Thanks for posting this!
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    rebred our oreo

    We just tried to breed our nz again..She had a first litter that did not make it. We put her in his cage, they did their thing, then we tried again about almost 12 hours later..She would have nothing to do with him. She was biting him, growling, etc...Do you suppose the first time took? He...
  10. C

    Just a thought, please read if you're discouraged!

    Really! Wow...Ok..hhmm...gonna have to be on that...Thanks!
  11. C

    Just had her 2nd litter!

    Do you have a garage you can put them in? What did you end up doing?
  12. C

    Just a thought, please read if you're discouraged! how about the doe using the nesting box as a litter box? Then what? Change it every day till she kindles?
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    Need help

    Sounds like she's doing what she's supposed to..She's making sure they are warm..
  14. C

    Really frustrated..UPDATE!!

    To LEgacy, Ok..Just saw your sig line..I have 7 boys, and one girl! HA! As for the rabbit, I figured we'd give her a couple more days lounging inside, and then move her back..
  15. C

    The wait, it burns... but then SHE HAD 2 HUGE BABIES!!!

    keep us updated! I love babies, even if they're not human! We are waiting on our chickens to lay..We wont be breeding, but just the wait for those wonderful eggs is killing me!
  16. C

    Just had her 2nd litter!

    So, what are they on? Are they under her fur? We like to keep our babies inside the garage, but I dont know at what point we can put them out. The winds we have had are constant, and very strong..So, we've kept them in the garage..When can we move them out, do you suppose?
  17. C

    Need help

    We have handled babies within a day, taken the box out to count, and she still does a great job with the babies...Dont worry..Just keep them safe from those mean ole ants!
  18. C

    Just a thought, please read if you're discouraged!

    It's frustrating, but we also did so much reading before hand..I know there's actually a pretty high mortality rate, so that helps soften the blow!
  19. C

    Really frustrated..UPDATE!!

    Did I mention I'm really thrilled? I know it still may not work out, and it's early, but things are looking better.