When I need to keep one quiet on the milk stand after she's finished her rich food ration, I top up with maize bran. They love it so it keeps them co-operative, but it's mostly fibre, so doesn't give them digestive trouble.
Thanks for raising that discussion! We I am I can't get goat feed - only sheep stuff with urea in it :( - but horse feed is on the market. I'll go check the horse feed out and maybe can save myself running to 3 different places chasing the ingredients I need for mixing my own. :):)
Did her udder fill only now, or around the time you found the foetus? If only now, have a thorough look to see if she may have lost another one.
One of mine miscarried at 3 months pregnancy and her milk production kicked in as if she had given birth normally. But I found 2 would-have-been-kids...
If he's still acting up, try a collar and a loooong rope.
My first goats came from an "traditional African management system" i.e. virtually wild. I put collars on them and in the morning before I let them out, a long rope each(about 6 meters). Since they usually didn't run until I got close, I...
Thanks a lot, everybody! Since no one mentioned an increased risk of mastitis from leaving milk in the udder, even with no kids to nurse, it seems safe to gradually reduce her milk production and increase my convenience ;)
I have a total of 9 to hand-milk, so plenty of both work and milk.
All instructions I've come across so far says you're done milking when the udder is empty, and I've taken extra care to empty it well on my doe whose kid died in labour (seriously bad position). Then I heard that women who pump their breast milk make sure there is some milk left, to avoid a milk...