Search results

  1. cmitchell

    Amount of hay for beef

    Should we keep our beef's hay feeder full at all times? We have one 14 mth old angus cross & one 7 mth hereford. How much hay does one animal go through in a day? I'm not good at figuring out weight in hay or types of hay, and so forth. I'm just looking for a rough estimate as to how many square...
  2. cmitchell

    New Boer Doe & Buckling

    Thank you, everyone! Doe & buckling are not related so when he is older I'm going to breed them. The kid(s) she is carrying now are the buckling's half-sibling(s)..if she has a doe will I be able to breed half-brother to half-sister (same father/different mothers)? Would I be better off selling...
  3. cmitchell

    New Boer Doe & Buckling

    My new boer doe..she is pregnant, due in July. Such a sweetie! My new boer buckling..he is still at the breeder's with Momma and coming home in July.
  4. cmitchell

    Table Scraps?

    I have some left over steak that my 2 legged family won't eat. Can I feed it out to the pigs?
  5. cmitchell

    Looking For Local Meat Rabbit Breeds

    I live in the Farmington, Maine area and have been looking for meat breed rabbits (Californian, New Zeland, Satin) to raise. Seems they are hard to find around these parts. I used to live in Southern Maine and had no problem finding them in that I could make the 2 1/2 - 3 hour trip...
  6. cmitchell

    Satin's for meat?

    Satins most definitely are meat as well as fur rabbits. I raised satins years ago for meat/fur/show and loved it. I had broken, californian, black, blue and chinchilla varieties. I had a californian doe who won BOS in her class beating out the top New England satin breeder at that time, Jim...
  7. cmitchell

    Boer Goats

    Here are the two boer goats that I bought recently. The doe is purebred & pregnant (bred w/myotonic buck) and the buckling is percentage boer (myotonic). They are not related so I'm planning on breeding them when buckling is old enough. What do you guys think?
  8. cmitchell

    eggs raw or hard boiled.

    Excellent idea! I was wondering what to do with all the extra eggs I get everyday when egg sales are slow. Guess I'll be boiling up a bunch of eggs for the pigs today!
  9. cmitchell

    Pigs and potatoes

    Our local supermarket won't let us take their waste produce..says it's due to liability issues.
  10. cmitchell

    Hello From Maine!

    Hello! I just signed up for backyardherds forum. I'm also a member of backyardchickens. I have light & buff brahma chickens, a variety of mutt chickens, turkeys, pigs, hereford calf, pygmy/cross goat, boer goats, 2 cats and 1 yellow lab. I live in western mountain valley Maine with my husband...