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  1. B

    rabbits in AZ?

    Alright, nixed the single hutch idea, going for two cages for the two mini rexs. However, I am concerned about the heat here in AZ. They are going to be outside rabbits, on the NE side of the house. Its shady against the house in the afternoon. What kinds of things can I do to keep them...
  2. B

    Buying a hutch today, pls help!

    My two older kids are starting 4-H this year and want some Mini Rexs. There will be two of them. I'm having a hard time finding information on how big a hutch needs to be for them. How many can fit in the sleeping quarters vs how big does the run need to be, etc? I have my eye on these hutches...
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    Little Bunny Foo Foo goes to Kindergarten

    Awwww, I bet they loved it!!! How fun!
  4. B

    Watership down....Anyone ever read it? what did you think?

    Would this book be okay for an advanced elementary school aged child? 10 years old/5th grade? He's also read Percy Jackson & The Olympians and Harry Potter series.
  5. B

    My Rabbits /pics

    awww the black one looks so soft!
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    Your rabbit setups??

    Great post! So fun seeing everyone's little rabbit homes.
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    Baby Pics :0)

    Awwww!!!! :D
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    *pic* of our 8 baby buns

    So pretty! Awwww, how fun, I cant wait till we get ours!
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    Our first litter of Large Black Hogs - Picture!!!!

    Wow!!! So many, mama pig has, hands? full, lol.
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    Newborn Red Galloway New photos

    They are so furry!! How CUTE!
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    Pics of new Romney lambs

    Awww they are so cute!!!! It is so fun seeing the baby pictures!
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    PRW Boer Goats Kidding Thread: Sugar kidded, pix's added Pg. 4!

    Oh my goodness gracious, what sweet little babies! :D congrats!!