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  1. B

    Greasy Pig?

    That seems to be for turkeys. The stuff I used was injectable penicillin
  2. B

    Greasy Pig?

    I've been dealing with GP for a few weeks now, not sure if it was a primary or secondary issue on a 60#er. We BBQ'd his twin brother and then he got melancholy, stooped eating, hunched back, wobbly and then no dice. Wouldn't move and developed abscess and major gross GP . Treated with...
  3. B

    How long until I can butcher a bad Momma Pig?

    Thanks for the replies. Something is wrong with her and I agree waiting is the best call. Unfortunately, we lost the three remaining ones during the day yesterday.:(
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    How long until I can butcher a bad Momma Pig?

    Our first litter was a disaster to say the least, and Im told that when a Momma pig kills her litter there is no point in trying again. Ive also been told to wait a week or two until we make sausage out of the B$%@#%#$%! Hear that all the hormones will taint the meat. Though she seems to be...
  5. B

    advice on feeding day olds

    Last night momma pig delivered ten perfect little piggys and then when nuts and killed 5 of them. We waited for awhile and tried to reintroduce the remaining ones back to her but she tried to kill them too. We were able to save 3 though one has a bad bite on the leg and its not looking good...
  6. B

    advice on feeding day olds

    last night momma pig delivered ten perfect little piggys and then when nuts and killed 5 of them. We waited for awhile and tried to reintroduce the remaining ones back her but she tried to kill them too. We were able to save 3 though one has a bad bite on the leg and its not looking good. We...
  7. B

    Newbie question

    Thanks for your reply, unfortunately momma delivered 10 beautiful little piggies and then went nuts and killed all but three that we were able to save. one has a pretty bad bite on the leg and not to sure it will survive. Been a long night/morning. We are bottle feeding right now but any...
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    Newbie question

    It looks like our first litter is about to be coming into the world shortly:D What if anything do I do with the Umbilical cord and what about clipping the teeth? anything else I should be doing? any advise is appreciated, thanks Bred fish before but new to piggys;)
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    I have a gilt that I thought was due last Thursday! She is very large and getting a bit cranky with the other ones. I had got a bail of straw for her to farrow in a old single horse stall about 12'x12' but she doesn't seem to like it. I have her who will be one year old next month, a boar who...