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  1. Antonio75

    any chicken coop plans

    Hi, I am raising chickens for a long time and I like to build the coops all by myself. It's fun and easy and in my opinion anyone can do it. The first thing I do is to look for a good place where to put the coop and then I go and buy the constructing materials. If this is your first time you...
  2. Antonio75

    how do you plant an avacado?

    I heard that first is better to keep it inside until it grows rots and then plant it outside... You can find a lot of information about this on the internet, just google it :)
  3. Antonio75

    My New Baby

    He is amazing :) what a shining fur he has... Just beautiful!
  4. Antonio75

    help please, sick dog

    Is better to take him to a veterinarian and find out what the problem is. Is very important to give the dog the right treatment and medicine. If you wait is bad for his chances of getting better.
  5. Antonio75

    Feeding eggs to chickens

    From my experience I can tell you that is not very good to feed the chickens with eggs. The reason is that if your chickens taste the eggs once they will like the taste and will eat your eggs if they have the opportunity. Feeding chickens with eggs will not harm them but be careful to take the...
  6. Antonio75

    How to break a 3 pound dog of yapping??

    Dogs generally are yapping all the time. Is because this might be a way to communicate for them. Take him to a training center...