Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep that in mind next time she gets a hair cut. The gal I got her from came over and gave her a shave a few days after I got her and It really didn't cross my mind to protect her from a sunburn. At times I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box,lol. Poor girl:(...
yeah, a sunburn/razor burn could be a possibility. It went away after a few days but the closest I could come to describing it is something like really bad dandruff, Her whole back and sides where a huge gray patch of dead skin(she's all black). it's gone now but So much was falling off her I...
Just a quick check to see if its normal for some goats to get really flaky skin for awhile skin after you shave them? Its gone now but boy was it gross for a bit..yuck. She looked good after her shave but within a few days she had dead caking shin sloughing off all over her sides, gave her a...
Sounds good aggieterpkatie, I'll leave her be I think and just keep an eye out. Ohiofarmgirl, I'm a total newbie at this so I just had a little panic attack when I read on here how gradually some recommend you dry them out. I had planned on getting some dairy goats next year after goat sitting...
Thanks aggieterpkatie!, I feel a lot better about stopping then after only a week and a half of milking her once a day.:) It sounds like yours saying that after "at least" 5 day you will sometimes milk out the udders to make sure nothings wrong, what do you look for when you do this? She's at...
So here's the run down on how, after doing some reading on here, I think I screwed up the drying up of my girl "Ella". She came from a large herd and as a yearling I was told she was small for her age and at the bottom of the pecking order. The Lady I got her from told me after I'd spent time...