HA! I feel your pain. I bought 7 American Guinea Hogs off Craigslist all for $100 -- an intact boar, his 4 sisters (1 pregnant), and 2 unrelated females. I sold 2 females to a friend. And then when the sow had her litter, I sold 3 piglets to the same friend. BUT, it turns out that ALL 6...
Rabbit is looking much better today. When I looked in on him this morning (Day 4) he was holding both ears upright. The kids are going to do the oil treatment again and clean his cage.
I'm surprised at how fast this is healing.
I have been raising meat rabbits for about 4 years. I currently have a 3 NZW does and an Altex buck for meat rabbits. We've only had one problem with ear mites in the past, and it wasn't bad. I noticed our previous buck shaking his head a little, so I did some research and dosed all the rabbits...