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  1. P

    Showing Rabbits

    I really miss being in FFA.. :( I graduated last year and I am turning 19 this week. Am I too old to show?
  2. P

    Empty 12ftx16ft pen - Let's put it to good use!

    Is there some place on the internet I can find out? Or should I just call the city?
  3. P

    Empty 12ftx16ft pen - Let's put it to good use!

    Ok thats good to hear! I will definitely consider sheep then or maybe some boer goats?
  4. P

    Hello! :)

    I only raised two pigs during high school, but it was so interesting working with them everyday and they all have their own personalities. My first pig was soo sweet and I have to admit I did cry after I sold her. My second pig was absolutely horrible, so I was kind of relieved after he was gone...
  5. P

    Disbudding and Castrating

    I am thinking about getting some boers - a buck and two or three does - and raising the offspring for meat, but I don't know how to disbud or castrate so I guess I would find someone who I could pay to do this for me. Is it necessary though? And is it expensive?
  6. P

    Empty 12ftx16ft pen - Let's put it to good use!

    So I have an empty 12ft by 16ft pen (4ft high) that has not been used for literally years. It was originally built for the dogs, but then they figured out how to climb out haha. So I want to put this to good use! Its under a tree so there's plenty of shade. The only thing is - I live in a...
  7. P

    Hello! :)

    Hello! I am 19 years young and I live with my mom in the suburbs but I visit my dad everyday on his farm. So I guess I get the best of both worlds! Lol. So far I just have three chickens and two dogs, but I am looking into getting some meat rabbits and goats. When I was in FFA I used to raise...