If I wanted to have a farm with 5 horses, 2 draft horses, 30 sheep, 2 goats, 40 chickens, 2 pigs, and a turkey or two PLUS some woods for trails, how big of a farm would I need?
what is a farm plate? Also, I was planning to wait a good while; more set on the breed then a specific bunch at the moment. What size trailer would be good for 20 lambs? How much space should a group of four lambs have?
I have my eyes set on some California Red Lambs... unfortunately they are about 2300 miles away and 400 miles away form my home (although the ones 2300miles away look of better quality). I know that travelling with lambs can be stressful on them, but there are no breeders in NE (New England). I...
Thats what i was thinking about size... I wasthinking like a 4 acre plot divided into four 1acre sections so that i could rotate them around.
Any one on the fence question?
...would a combination of Tractor Supply General Purpose Field Fence, 6 in. Vertical Stays, 47 in. H, 11 ga. Filler Wire...
How much space should i give one pig and her litter? Like if a pig has 6-10 piglets and i raise the piglets to butchering size?
If i have two sows, and raise my pigs and their piglets to butchering weight, how much space would i need?
There would only be two-three seasonal residents. Thanks...