Sad to report:
Our animals have been evicted from our 2.5 acre agri-zoned property. We had a pretty tight, clean and well managed self sustainable operation... Thanks to new development and citified neighbors we have lost our homestead. If you have any animals other than domestic pets on less...
Thanks for the response and the support.
I'm putting together a map of those who are interested in a co-op to see how a route may ensue. I spoke to a couple of local mills and have an idea of how things could work. I'll post as things evolve. Thanks!
Howdy y'all! Been surfin' BYC for a couple of years, figured I'd jump in BYH as well. Quite the resource to say the least....good folks, great info..... many thanks to everyone who makes it possible. Located w. Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co. We have a variety of rare breed chickens, American...
I just priced shipping for a pair of 10lb Amer. Chin's. Wow, expensive. First is the health certificate which is almost $150 for both. First estimate for shipping: $275 base cost + door to door mileage, fuel and delivery cost (variable depending how far one is from airport). Add to this the...