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  1. Shayna

    Cutest creature all aminals welcome Ends: Febuary 18th

    Here's the link if you're really interested. They shipped well and I lost none. They are out of stock now but have the option to notify you when they have more, which is relatively often. I get so many comments and interest on my youtube videos...
  2. Shayna

    Guinea Fowl Thread!

    Ummm I couldn't decide so I got about 2 of everything. :hide Pinto, porcelain, lavendar, pearl, royal purple, coral blue, chocolate, buff dundotte, slate, and violet.
  3. Shayna

    Chicken Thread

    You have so many funny pictures!! Thanks for sharing. This is a great BYC workaround! :)
  4. Shayna

    Guinea Fowl Thread!

    That's so sweet. I hope he's feeling better, poor guy. Here is a couple pictures of mine. I know I have better ones, but these were easy to find. Some are from early fall before they were old enough to range.
  5. Shayna

    Guinea Fowl Thread!

    Your close up pictures are incredible! I have some decent guinea pics, but they are not easy to get close up pictures of.
  6. Shayna

    Chicken Thread

    Great pics! That blue cochin is beautiful!
  7. Shayna

    Chicken Thread

    Awww look at those cute rumpless behinds! Those eggs are really pretty too!
  8. Shayna

    Chicken Thread

    Thank you! Thanks! And I see you just started a guinea thread.. I'll have to post some pics on there later. :thumbsup
  9. Shayna

    Cutest creature all aminals welcome Ends: Febuary 18th

    They were ordered online from Live Fish Direct.
  10. Shayna

    Cutest creature all aminals welcome Ends: Febuary 18th

    I sure hope so because I did. Actually, it says you can enter as many as you like. ;) Let's see them, get them up here!
  11. Shayna

    Cutest creature all aminals welcome Ends: Febuary 18th

    Ok, I'll do a few more just because I love taking pictures of my pets and I think they're all the cutest! Also submitted by Shayna- Cutest Dog(s): Schipperke and Daschund mix, both rescues. Cutest Pig(s): Pot belly pigs catching some sun. Cutest Cat(s): The busy life of old house cats.
  12. Shayna

    Cutest creature all aminals welcome Ends: Febuary 18th

    Yep they are. :) I have some vids of them out on youtube, people love little mudskippers!
  13. Shayna

    Cutest creature all aminals welcome Ends: Febuary 18th

    Ok, I know I've got nothing on a praying bunny and those calf eyes, but here's what I do have.... Cutest Other: (submitted by Shayna) Dwarf Indian Mudskippers
  14. Shayna

    The BYC people CHAT THREAD!

    Welcome! :) Glad to see it worked.
  15. Shayna

    The BYC people CHAT THREAD!

  16. Shayna

    The BYC people CHAT THREAD!

    Profile up at the top, then Personal should give you the option to enter it.
  17. Shayna

    The BYC people CHAT THREAD!

    Ah, plant hangers, good idea. Thanks! I sure will be happy tomorrow if I wake up tomorrow and do NOT see a chicken claiming the sky is falling! Anyone else think that was cute before this? Now Chicken Little has been tarnished in my memory! :lau
  18. Shayna

    Chicken Thread

    Well thank you! I think I'll chicken this place up a little bit. :) Meet some of my flock and a couple of their chicks. I could tell this place was in serious need of fluffy chickens! :gig Now don't forget to come to BYC for a visit when it's back and better than ever!
  19. Shayna

    The BYC people CHAT THREAD!

    I knew I'd be a little sad going a day without BYC, but I didn't know I'd miss it this much! Sheesh it's like my life has no purpose around here! :barnie I'm thinking of all the things I can't look up right now... important stuff like... what to use to hang a cabbage for my chickens to play...
  20. Shayna

    Peaches & Mom......

    Oh it's great to see how far she's come! She was such a frail little thing!