Can't help it. CHicks are tapping at the side of their brooder and it sounds like someone knocking on the door, which sets off the dogs... and there's no BYC. <*shrugging*>
BYC "sent" me here during its hiatus, but I see there's a Rabbit forum! So I hadda register, 'cause I'm gonna need support as I get further into this rabbit experience.
I have been gifted with a Lionhead buck and in two days I'll be receiving the doe and some of her kits from the same family...
I've never had more than one rabbit at a time, so I didn't know bunnies could be fighters amongst themselves! The first bunny I had, I was 7 years old (51 years ago) and I've recently acquired a Lionhead buck. The family giving him up is also giving me the doe and some of her kits from him on...
Only four incubators? HAH! <*bumps kathyinmo oh so innocently*>
Just shut two of them off, reloaded one, and have two small ones incubating ... wait for it.... SILKIE eggs. Yah. Silkies. Something snapped. :hu
Same here as BYC.
OOOOOH - A RABBIT forum! I have recently been gifted with a rabbit, and will get some more Thursday (from the same folks) so this is great!
Wahoo! Another familiar username!! :frow I decided to stay myself on BYH, not because I have no imagination, but because I like continuity. Whatever your reason, Kathy, THANK YOU!!!
(I also registered on EasyGardens but who am I kidding? My chickens eat everything I plant.)