When we first got our alpaca our dog attacked it and pulled a large hole in his skin. (We no longer have the dog - I won't keep an animal that attacks). The vet came out and cut the flap of skin off, leaving exposed about an A5 sized wound. He gave me antibiotics and pain killer which I had...
We, and a couple of neighbours decided to get into meat sheep (dorpers) mid last year. We have 20 acres of mostly bushy land, and purchased 35 pregnant ewes. We ended up with 30 lambs. We also have an alpaca, a ram and a stray merino. We need to get down to a core flock of 25 ewes, with the...
Thank you for that. We didn't have the ewes during most of their pregnancies, so they may have been missing some nutrient. They are first time lambings too, but it was not necessarily the early lambs. I have provided them with licking blocks and bicarb soda to lick, and they seem to love...
We have a couple of lambs which don't seem to be thriving like the rest of the herd. We have 35 Dorper ewes, who came to us pregnant and over a couple of month period dropped their lambs. We now have 30 lambs. Most of the lambs have been thriving, but we have had a couple who just seem to be...