Search results

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    PBP and pond

    Thank you, Liz! That is a doable option!
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    PBP and pond

    Thanks for the reply! Hmmmm, I guess I probably should not do it. Any other opinions, anyone?
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    PBP and pond

    I know this is a stupid question, but here goes.....I have a PBP that lives in the house and yard. I have an unused, small pasture running up to the edge of my pond. My question is, if I put him out in that area during the day to browse, will he try to swim across or around the fence to escape...
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    4-H goatpacking

    Hi! :frow
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    New cow peep!

    Hi, from South Carolina!
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    Hi from Cuvler Indiana

    Hi! From South Carolina....:D
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    Hello...from Dayton, Ohio!

    Hi, I am new myself. I am in South Carolina and raise Pygmy and Pygmy/Nigerian for pets. I also have ducks, guineas, PBP, 3 LGD's, 2 house dogs, 2 cats, and a 30 year old parrot. These folks seem pretty nice and helpful.
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    A day from Heck.Let me tell you WHY WHY WHY???? UPDATE.

    Oh, my! I would have had a heart attack if I saw Titan up there! :barnie
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    Newbie here :)

    Hi, there! I am in South Carolina.
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    Hi, from South Carolina! :)
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    Hello from Southern, IL

    Hi! Nice to "meet" you. I am new here also. So far, it looks like a really great place!
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    Thank you for the welcome! I have already started reading all the current and back posts........looking forward to "meeting" ya'll!
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    I just found this forum. I am Donna, live in South Carolina, raise grade Pygmy and Pygmy/Nigerian goats for pets. I also have a potbelly pig, ducks, guineas, 3 LGD's, cats, a 30 year old parrot, and 2 house dogs. Thank you for allowing me to be a member of your forum!