Okay, could it be just the wide spaced wires (not wide enough that the rabbit could get through of course) but I want it to be easily convertible back to a chicken pen..
Another question. I have an opportunity to get a bunny now but don't have a house for it. I have an A-frame chicken tractor that is 4W, 3H, 8L. It has an oversized nesting box attached and part of it is covered with metal roofing. Can I use this for him until I can get the cage I'm looking at...
Is there a list somewhere of the breeders and what they breed? I'm looking for either Polish, Lionhead, or Holland Lop. I live near the SC border but am in NC.
Okay so Hardware cloth (1/2 inch) is good.. It will be close to the house and the chicken coop and I'm hoping to get a spot light up to scare off anything that might try to get at him. I'm looking for a pet, something that has a good reputation as a breed. If that is a meat rabbit, fine. If its...
I had originally planned to have my first rabbit inside. I think this will still happen eventually but just not yet (my mom really doesn't want yet another animal in the house). I'm going to try my hand at building my own rabbit hutch, I've got lots of plans to choose from. But I need to know...
This is my first horse. His name is Arnold, registered name is Limited Addition. He raced at one point. He was a brilliant horse but now has arthritis and cant be ridden above a trot. Will only sell to experienced riders or someone looking for a companion horse. He gets along very well with...
The horse has arthritis and can't be ridden without him having a fit. He's on meds for his joints but the saddle still seems to hurt him. He will probably not leave our property again after we get him home so herdbound issues are not a huge deal. The problem with getting him a pony is that my...
Im new to the forum but I've been on BYC for a while. We have chickens, ducks, and a horse. The horse is currently being boarded but we want to bring him home due to personal issues. He is a 16 year old Thoroughbred and VERY herdbound... We cant get anoher horse but we can get a goat or maybe...