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  1. B

    Help Needed Sick Ram

    He is definitely feeling himself today. Went to the stall to feed him and he though he would try to rush out past me. Poopy butt has gone away. I think the worming, power punch, and electolytes did the trick. Still no thermometer but he was not near as warm to the touch today. I think he is...
  2. B

    Help Needed Sick Ram

    Did not check his temp because I can not locate a thermometer here at the house. He felt a little warm under the mouth to touch.
  3. B

    Help Needed Sick Ram

    I have a six month old Ram lamb that seems to be coming down with something. It started with green runny poop that started after heavy rain for two weeks. Figured it was just the grass. It stopped after a few days and then started again this week. He lost some weight. Pulled him out...
  4. B

    Hello from Chapel Hill, NC

    Welcome to NC. I am right up the road from you in Ramseur. I raise fainters and sheep with a side of horses.
  5. B

    What do you use for sheep fencing?

    That would be where the solid corral came in. I would have them shut up nightly and they do have a guard donkey that hangs out there with them. She is pretty good at her job.
  6. B

    What do you use for sheep fencing?

    I currently keep my sheep in a woven wire pasture. I would like to get them a bigger area to munch on and I hear that you can keep them in electric fencing. Is this true. I know I will need more wires than I use with my horses for sure. Just want to make sure I have everything covered before...