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  1. BuettnersLittleFarm

    Holsteins For Beef

    I understand about the "FUEL" issue, but do not understand the "Fertilizer and Feed" part...I am 58 years old and back when I was a kid helping both my GrandFather and Uncle with there cows, they use the manure from there cows, chickens, pigs, etc., for fertilizer to grow and make there own feed...
  2. BuettnersLittleFarm

    Holsteins For Beef

    Thank you JHM47 for your reply and input...We are not a commercial farmer or tend to be soon, this is strickly a family project and only have room for 5 to 6 cows for our freezers and to sell...If we do decide to be a commercial farmer in the years to come, then "YES", definately will invest...
  3. BuettnersLittleFarm

    auction prices

    Same here in Western Pennsylvania...Holstein calves(bulls/steers) are $2.00 a pound...and rising...some people think I am foolish for wanting to raise them than the traditional beef cattle breeds...going to give it a try this year, like my grandfather always said " Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained"
  4. BuettnersLittleFarm

    Holsteins For Beef

    I understand there are better breeds for beef cattle and greatly appreciate every ones input on all my questions in the past articles I posted..."BUT"...I have done a lot of research on the internet about the increasingly rise of prices for Holstein steers for beef...and everything I have read...
  5. BuettnersLittleFarm

    Calf And Mini Horse Together???

    Thank you for your advice, greatly appreciated and yes, will get him fixed a.s.a.p.
  6. BuettnersLittleFarm

    Bulls Please read

    Thank you all for the great advice..."How dangerous are Holstein steers???" As we hope to raise several...and what weight and age would be in the safe zone for both butchering and marketing???(steers)
  7. BuettnersLittleFarm

    Holstein and Angus Mix Question???

    Thank you so much for both your replies and questions as it gave us a lot to consider...We have 7 acres of pasture and a small barn with 10 seperate pens...We are a retired couple, on a limited income, looking to make some extra money, plus meat for us and family...We read on many websites how...
  8. BuettnersLittleFarm

    Holstein and Angus Mix Question???

    We are very new to raising cattle and have many questions...We bought our first bull Holstein when 7 days old, bottle fed him, etc and now is 4 months old and doing great...We are doing this for freezer meat since the price of beef is constantly rising at the stores...We bought a Holstein...
  9. BuettnersLittleFarm

    Calf And Mini Horse Together???

    We have a 4 month old Holstein bull calf sharing an open pen to the pasture with our 8 month old male mini horse and neither one of them has been castorated...the bull will be casterated next week and will do the horse in a few months...the mini horse is much smaller than the calf but he is...
  10. BuettnersLittleFarm

    Free Ranging Male Rabbits Question??? mini-barn that hold ducks, chick

    My wife has a small mini barn that has ducks, chickens, goats, and rabbits...she lets her chickens out daily to free range and one of her male rabbits got out of his cage and is having so much fun outside...Our question is, would it be wise to let another male rabbit out with the other male as...
  11. BuettnersLittleFarm


    We live in Corry, Pennsylvania, south of Erie...sounds like a great idea, thank you...
  12. BuettnersLittleFarm


    My wife's daughter just brought us an injured adult rabbit to try and save...looks like a cotton tail....we put him in a cage with hay, rabbit pellets and water with electrolytes...covered the cage partly to make him feel secure...hind legs are moving just a little...looks like bite marks on his...
  13. BuettnersLittleFarm

    When To Castrate Our Calf ???

    Thank you everyone as I contacted the vet and waiting for them to return my call to see how much it will cost for him to come here to do the far, it's $50 travel fee, only 3.5 miles, sheesh...lessoned learned, get them done when babies, but we also read the longer you wait, the...
  14. BuettnersLittleFarm

    When To Castrate Our Calf ???

    We are new to this forum and new to raising calves...We bought our first Bull Holstein calf a week old from a local dairy farmer that is now almost 4 months milk replacer, eating grain, top quality hay, and drinking water on his own...We turned him out to pasture a few days ago...He is...