Guess it's been awhile since I have checked in here again :hide! @Nifty thanks for checking in! We still have goats, a few ducks and chickens. We are all doing well. In January, DD finished up her master's in dairy science and has taken a position as a research assistant, she is engaged to be...
Yep we do send extras to freezer camp, just unable to get enough spots to send them all this past fall for processing. There are not many places in our area that do processing and the few that do are booked a year out.
Guess it's been awhile since I've been on here :hide life is strange that way!
We are all doing well, still have chickens, ducks and goats(although a few more then we need, have had no inquires on the wethers that are still available). Thankfully our chickens have started laying eggs again...
Are you able to set up a warming barrel that he can use as needed? We use the warming barrels at kidding time to give the kids someplace safe/warm to be and their dam can be right next to them but not lay on them by accident.
For anyone who has filled out goat registration paper work or is good at describing a goat's coloring, we have 1 doeling that we are trying to decide how to describe her. She does have a strip down her back but it blends in with her coloring.
@OneFineAcre, Granite is her sire
Most likely not anytime soon but they would be welcome! Only a couple of them are in the same state, the other few live several states away and 1 lives in Australia!
Yep, I use both Family Search and Ancestry to look up information, both site have gotten better over the years as far as information. Nice thing with Family Search is it's a free site! Networking with others on family information is good but one has to be careful and double check all the...
Let's just say I'm learning to by using a latin to english dictionary I found on line. I am writing down a list of words that are repeated through out each of the different records(marriage, baptism and death). Each set of records follows the same set up, if I can pick out the names that's most...
Granite is doing very well, he will be our main buck this year. We are very happy with him, he's always easy going and polite. We are hoping to get 1 of his daughter breed this fall provided our other buck is willing to do his job(we added this buck last fall and since he was low in the ranks...
Well I do have 2 that keep close tabs on me as far as lifting so I have to behave!!
I will say being able to research on line is a great thing especially now days. Since I have extra time, I'm looking through records from Poland to find information. The records are in Latin so it takes awhile...
Thanks @Baymule! So far so good, I never had good vision in the eye but keeping what's there is the end goal. Hope BJ is doing well after his surgery too!
Yeah making sure to go slower is the challenge and some days frustrating. Most of my restrictions are lifted, so I can drive again but my...
apple sauce is always good, we were going to make some too with the apples but decided not to. DH and I will do some more pruning on the trees and spray on a more regular schedule this next spring/summer. We have 1 tree that hasn't produced at all so we will most likely replace it this next...