Thank you! All makes sense. I could ask our trainers, but sometimes I like to give them a break from our questions. LOL. Not that they mind.
The breaks in the middle, that's all I know. DH is the one that is doing it. I usually watch and send on info. ;)
Is there anything we should do with our filly to get her ready to take her first bit? Our trainers already told us which bit, but I was wondering if there's something to ready her for that.
It's more for what could happen to them if they got stuck while we were gone because of our fence. The likelihood is less, although I realize it could still be there.
We are going to tell this person that we'll wait. He has many kids, but unsure if he's willing to another two or if we can afford them. ;)
But we have one fence that goes to the outer edge of of state land and I would hate them to be stuck there where coyotes and bobcats go even though we're...
Actually they're 1 month shy of a year. Two wethers. Would you disbud these?
I do not want horns. They'll get caught in our fence, (we just spent oodles on fence panels) plus we have a dog. I'd hate to find out they're caught when we're not there for some reason. We are getting them for...