Thanks to all for the good responses. He may have eaten something new - winter grasses are coming up and I have used some old straw for bedding and they have eaten some of it. Using a dose of MannaPro Goat Pellet Dewormer this morning. Anyone know how effective it is? If I am using this...
One of my young bucks is often seen extending his lower jaw - often to the side. Is this cause for concern? A sign of something sinister? Also, possibly unrelated, I am finding large clumps of feces - more like dog feces than goat pellets. Advice please... Thank you
1. My Nigerian produces a very thin stream from each side when milking. It takes ages to milk her and the quantity that I get is minimal (a cup or so each morning). She also fidgets a lot when I milk her (using Henry Milker hand pump) on left side. No sign of swelling or pain there but she...
It does help! Thank you very much. I do agree that I need to separate the kids at night. I think the milk may have now dried up though... I got a squirt from one side this AM, nothing from the other and the udder feels small and empty. Maybe I need a second pregnant doe...
I am trying to milk her every morning (last two days I added evening as well). I still see the kids nursing during the day. There does not seem to be more than drops of milk now. I feed her/them hay and grain. Two scoops in AM/two in PM. She also gets some grazing time and free access to hay.
My Nigerian Dwarf gave birth to two kids seven weeks ago. Both are still nursing. Now that I am wanting milk, she seems to be drying up. I can only get a very small amount out of one teet and none (beyond an initial cleaning squirt) out of the other. No sign of mastitis. Udder seems to be...
We want to move out hens to the goat area which we have surrounded by Premier1 Pos/Neg electric fencing? Will I end up with fried chickens caught on the fence or will they get one zap and keep away and off?
I would be tempted to use the existing shed. It looks great and building another one is hard work - just did it. We lay large cardboard box covered in straw where they urinate and clear it every morning/sit it outside to dry while another one is in use. In CA, with heat, it works well for us...
I am about to start milking my lactating Nigerian Dwarf. I have a bottle of Fight Bac but am concerned about using it since her two kids are still nursing. Is it safe for them to ingest the chemicals in Fight Bac?
Great idea... Thank you. Is there a right and wrong way to milk? I draw the milk into the teet with my hand and then basically squeeze it out - very thin stream comes out.
Thank you. I do feed her grain but she is not excited about getting on the table and into position. I am not sure how/when to separate her from her kids at night. The shed is not divisible.
I would appreciate some advice... We have a seven year old with her two kids (just over month old). They nurse throughout day. She seems to produce plenty of milk and has no problems with udders. I just set up my milking stand and am trying to milk her early each morning. She has no interest...
One of my kids is limping. He seems to have pain in the rear of one of his front feet/hooves - soft tissue. Should I be treating this or waiting for it to heal by itself? My guess is that it is a jumping injury. I can't find a wound or burr in the skin.
Great responses. Thanks to all of you. Before I rip out the floor, I am going to try one experiment: Place food bowl in the corner where they used to pee. I want to see if feeding in the 6 x 6 goat shed will encourage her to urinate outside. She pees in a cover there now as well.
We built a redwood house with a yard for the doe and her kids. Floor of home is also redwood. Goats have drenched the floor with urine despite everything that we have put down in their chosen area (tar paper/wood/wood chips/straw/paper bags/newspaper). Now, we found a lot of worms/maggots...