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  1. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    Taking a poll on a 'coffee ethics' situation. I'm the only coffee drinker on my shift. The company provides a coffee 'allotment' to each shift & that's kept & handed out by the supervisor. My S. seems to have some sort of memory loss that one of his team wants that coffee. I have had to ask...
  2. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    🥰🥰 That's my Eva. Her baldy calf Ryder (several years ago) in the background.
  3. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    Wow, thanks!!! 🥰 It was the good, sound, sensible advice here that convinced me to get her bred again.
  4. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    I get all that, and I've mostly gone with angus bulls in the past. It's mostly been "Whatever you've got in the tank that has easy calving characteristics". But since I'm taking a little time to plan this one - and most other things being even - I'd like the chance to get some eye candy for a...
  5. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    He doesn't have any easy calving/small calves semen at the moment. And I want to check out my 'squeeze chute' & clean up the stalls first. But I'll certainly be monitoring her backside more closely.
  6. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    My supervisor has become a challenge. When he started, he was engaged & eager to learn about the process. Since then he had begun spending more & more time in the office & is pressuring more & more for production over anything else. A few weeks ago he started having us rotate through breaks so...
  7. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    Eva started bellowing as I was leaving last night (1/17) and is actively serenading this end of the county today. She was a couple of days late starting. She's almost always been exactly 21 days from one heat to the next. This time I thought it had been 24. However, on the last couple of...
  8. canesisters

    Llama Down. Likely Meningeal Worm.

    I'm really sorry. You did everything you could to save him. Do you have plans for his wool? A felted Llama wound be sweet.
  9. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    I was informed this evening that we'll be doing a 'changeover' Tues AM to start another trial.... and that I am expected to be on hand - as the only certified Beamer operator on my shift - so that I'll be able to do this on my own if needed. 1st... I work nights & changeovers require an...
  10. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    It can be anywhere from a 4hr window to a 8hr window. You're supposed to 'find what works for your body' . My problem is that I barely finish one meal before in thinking about what's next. I think I can pull it off on work days, there's built in structure & limits... but the off days 😬
  11. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    Still no bellowing or pacing from Eva. Maybe the COLD temps have thrown her off a few days?? I've spent the last couple of months just winging-it about my diet. Having my main meal at midnight still just feels weird. Leftovers, fast food, some very questionable combinations of whatever I...
  12. canesisters

    fuzzi's "Gardens and Chickens...and Goats? Oh My!" Journal and More Thread

    For the longest time, I slept with the dirty hoodie that Bob wore to work everyday, for that same reason.
  13. canesisters

    fuzzi's "Gardens and Chickens...and Goats? Oh My!" Journal and More Thread

    @farmerjan is right. It doesn't have to all be done in a week. I had very different circumstances than @Baymule . We had just bought this property 6months before. The fences were only temp. There was no yard fence for the dogs yet. Chickens weren't even imagined. I kept EVERYTHING for a very...
  14. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    Finally decided that I'd better make sure I could get up & down both hills on the driveway. Ran to the store.... time for that 'January diet' to get started 🙄. I paused just on the farm side of the bridge & got a pict of the tire tracks in the snow. I had thought that 2 days in the 40° range...
  15. canesisters

    Franklin Hazel Gardens Farm Life/Journal

    It seems like you've got a good firm start. Good fences are a MUST and the basis for 90% of farm life. I'd keep any of that found junk that could possibly be used... but I'm a bit of a horder. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures.
  16. canesisters

    Waiting on Lambs in 2025

    Love the names! When I got my first flock of chickens I had the names picked out long before the chicks were in the brooder. Just a funny thought Crossing my mind: I can imagine someone buying Dustdevil & starting their own herd: Hoover, Dyson, Eureka, Roomba, Oreck, Shark, Upright...
  17. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    Eva update. I spoke to the AI tech this morning. The best bits of Mr. Polled Hereford will be here for her heat in Feb. So hopefully a little baldy (maybe even a brindle??) expected around Thanksgiving.
  18. canesisters

    fuzzi's "Gardens and Chickens...and Goats? Oh My!" Journal and More Thread

    @Baymule said it beautifully. There are some here who have walked this path ahead of you & we will always be just a phone call away. My heart is breaking for you this morning.