It is hard to milk even full sized sheep - can't imagine trying to milk one of the smaller breeds! I could milk my Romney ewe (who is a smallish Romney) although I have not tried. I think I would be inclined to go for a Shetland sheep, excellent wool, okay meat. They are small, and depending...
My sheep don't care for grass hay, and as a result, they leave a lot of waste as they sift through it to find the good parts. So once the pasture is dead (like now), they get alfalfa hay. I cannot get an alfalfa blend here, that might be a slightly cheaper option but is not really a choice for...
Shock - make sure you post it as electric every 8-10 feet or so. The only issues we ever encountered was nice people trying to feed the horses and shocking the crap out of themselves reaching across. We originally used 5 strand wire, with just the top wire hot. We now have 4' of mesh fence...
We have ... assorted ... livestock. The entire property (approx. 7 acres) is fenced with wood posts and T-posts, using 4' hog wire. The horse section has 2x3 woven fence with a hot wire on the top, and cross fenced with 5 strand wire, only hot on the top wire. The sheep section I tend to move...
I have 5 Romney sheep. They have three small sheds (about 6 x 8), built on a slightly sloping dirt floor. I have gone through quite a series of things to keep them dry and reasonably clean. My goal was to give them a place so their hooves could be dry, that would not accumulate massive...