Just replied to the pine/evergreen post and... From my readings related to the former, the general consensus seems to be that all parts of the grapefruit are "goat-safe". Not speaking from experience, only my limited research. :idunno
How timely! I was just reading some (conflicting at times) information on this very subject! My acreage has a good many pines (no cedars :( ) and I was curious as to the forage potential of my woods and undergrowth. From the majority of what I've seen, potential problems only arise when...
LOL! That's okay OneFineAcre! I soak up info like a sponge, and I often go off-topic along various tangents. One never knows where a conversation may lead.
Thank you for those links, Mamaboid. I will, believe it or not, read every word, and I'm sure I'll find some helpful information!
I've not been a huge sports fan since MLB robbed everyone of a World Series because the players thought they weren't paid enough to PLAY A GAME for a living (I digress), but I like high school football and usually watch the Super Bowl.
That being said, I have to cast my vote for the Ravens...
Oh no! She found me! :hide Just kidding! (no pun intended) Hi, sweetie! :hugs
Thanks, Straw Hat Kikos. Yes, a lot of plans and ideas; and thanks to BYH a little help and hopefully a few friends and connections. :D
LOL, I didn't mean to cause such a stir with only my second post! :pop
Thank you, Straw Hat Kikos and Mamaboid, for your time and answers. Very helpful stuff that gives me more to think on.
As a long term goal, I'm considering developing my own high-quality, dual-purpose breed. Lofty...
Thank you all; I'm sure to enjoy being here, learning and sharing and making new friends. :)
My wife and I share the dream of independent living on our own small farm. We acquired several acres a few years back, but for various reasons beyond our control we haven't stepped much closer to our...
I've been reading a good bit online about Genemasters/Texas Genemasters and seem to find conflicting information at every turn. :caf
Most of the info I've found refers to a 5/8 Boer - 3/8 Kiko mix. All else may be irrelevant because my main focus is the Kiko bloodline, but I'm curious about a...
I found BYH forums a few weeks ago while researching Kiko goats late one night, and I immediately fell in love with the site! Thank you all for the abundance of freely available information.
After several years of "life getting in the way", I'm almost ready to cross the Rubicon from research...