ThankS was for the input! But this is an old thread haha
Leonard ended up being raised alone because we couldn’t find any chicks that weren’t two weeks older than him or hatching two weeks later. He’s a big boy now and lives in his own chicken tractor surrounding our 20 other chickens and he...
Not sure what our plan is yet. We have 20 hens right now and no rooster (his father was killed by a fox the day before he hatched)
His chicken tractor is amongst all of the other chickens, so that he is not completely alone.
We’d like to keep him but are worried about him breeding his mother...
Thank you!!
He loves me so much. When I come to visit he initially runs away when the door opens but once i come in and get down to his level he runs to me and wants to be pet and held like a cat.
I never thought I’d love a chicken but here we are!
Thought I would update everyone!!
This is Leonard. S/he is thriving! This week s/he graduated from a box in our kitchen to an entire chicken tractor to her/himself!
Thank you!! The mirror and feather duster idea is brilliant!
I tried to find more chicks online and all of them within an hour/hour and a half drive from us are either already a week+ old or are not hatching for another two weeks. :(
I’ve posted an ad seeing if anyone can spare a chick or two...
To make a very long story short, i am not a chicken person. In fact, they scare me.
But we ended up only having two eggs fertilized and one chick died while hatching.
So now we have one very lonely little buddy. I feel so called to nurture this little guy, but I know nothing about chicks...
I have nothing helpful to add, but i just wanted to say that I am very excited for you! Reading through your posts reminded me how excited I was for my first lambing!! (Although i’m Still excited every year!)
Your ewes are such beautiful girls!
We discovered one of our ewes who we had bred years prior missing a nipple. That bag is full of milk and hard but can't be milked. She's standing and not moving
We have no idea what happened to her... What do we do?!
Thanks @luvmypets
Pictures are coming guys, i'm just so unmotivated.
Yesterday we vaccinated the moms for Blackleg (The vet had told us just to do just the sick moms, but we suspect that the bottle boy we lost died from blackleg, not from being trampled.) So we did all of them, we ran out of...
We took Snow in for an autopsy tonight and our sheep have been diagnosed with Black Leg.
Which is caused by the open dirt in the pasture we have them in (We had pigs there prior, and a lot of the newly planted grass died in the winter)
Black leg is caused by sheep breathing in a certain spore...
Thank you to everyone who has posted sympathies, it really means a lot to me.
I thought I'd give a more detailed clear description of what is going on over here. Our one ewe, Daisy was having some problems a few days ago, and we were able to treat it and heal her before it got too bad (read all...