This is subject that has no proof either way. I'm a mother of two boys with heart murmers and a diabetic son. I will not play games with their lives, we pasturize our milk.
One difference is goats milk helped one son with digestive issues.
In the old days of Europe many people died...
The weather has been all over the place in Michigan. The ram did his job well last year got 9 lambs out of 6 ewe lambs. Ram is even larger than last year and has put the pounds as well as ewes with this last pasture. He is 250+ to big to weight. Ewes look well, not fat but putting on weight...
Ram is with ewes who delivered 50% twins and 50% singles last year. All have nice weight right now. Hoping for ram to start his business in Sept. So I don't have a 30 day window for CDT shots. Wait till lambs are born you think?
Has anyone not flushed ewes and still gotten good results? Have Suffolk cross. Had hair sheep and never flushed them. Last year I had to grain all fall and winter cause hay had no nutrients in hay because of draught.
I did start giving them a small amount of grain but the fields are...
I love lamb meat but I hate, hate having the hide thrown out. Can't find anyone in Michigan to do. Is there a market for sheep hides. Had hair sheep that had wonderful colored hide but I don't tan so had to throw out. Now I have Suffolks.
Would love info
How about your 16 year boy says how do you tell which is a ewe? 21year old boy replies "look for udders, those two are girls, "!! Husband and I started laughing. Those are rams.
Annoying things non-sheep people say. " Your not gonna eat them are you". Um yes!!! But their so cute how...
Anyone have a lamb with ring worm? Started on the back of the neck. Wool came off perfect circle that
Became opend into what looked like a punchered wound. Than the scab became puke green and raised.
Push on it gross puke green pus came out. Not sure if it is ring worm or a punchered...