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  1. C

    LGD Puppy barking at ...

    I hope so. he was caught chasing and biting on back legs of a smaller goat this morning. wife made sure he knows that's a bad thing. time will tell.
  2. C

    Please help me

    I was going to suggest vitamin b complex as well.
  3. C

    LGD Puppy barking at ...

    If this works, my next post will be a pic of Max.
  4. C

    pigs coming back

    Probably common sense but did you take a feed bucket out and shake and bang it around? I do that every time I feed and they come out of nowhere running full steam ahead. They are fenced in about 7 acres of woodland too. They either hear me bang the buckets or me yell pig pig pig. Try leaving...
  5. C

    goat platforms or stuff to climb on...

    I haven't built them anything yet but I get laughter from them climbing on my kids.
  6. C

    Step two of my (nearly) free pig house!

    Awesome. We are raising our first one this year and so far it has been fun.
  7. C

    LGD Puppy barking at ...

    Thanks. I will post pics ASAP.
  8. C

    goat platforms or stuff to climb on...

    Does anyone actually make them stuff to climb on? If so, got pics?
  9. C

    Climbing post brace?

    I would not worry about it. Just put them in and see.;)
  10. C

    LGD Puppy barking at ...

    Pup started barking at me when I walked up to fence with my face hidden. Maybe it was nothing, but then he also circled all the goats until he figured out it was me. He is only 14 weeks old. Is this normal or do I have the beginnings of a great LGD? Pics will be posted when I can.
  11. C

    Looking for LGD in WV asap

    Looking for one in or close to WV.
  12. C

    Looking for LGD in WV asap

    Thanks for all the great info here everyone!!! I am looking for a LGD as soon as possible. I have 17 fenced acres that he/she can roam and protect my goats, mini horses, etc. Anyone have any information fWV, Eastern OH, Southern PA areas? Thanks