She was initially drenched with zolvix 3 weeks post-lambing, just before the ewe reaches her lowest resistance. She was FWEC'ed each time she was drenched (zolvix, then alben, alben again and zolvix just today)and came up with, yes, barber's pole and black scour worm. The worms have decreased...
I was moving my rams around and drenching today, when I noticed that two of my previously fine rams were literally standing on their full foot (hoof + pasterns/heel). Both of them were affected in the back left foot. One ram is 2011 drop and the other is 2012 drop. Their feet were fine when I...
My 6 year old hampshire ewe (australian type) has been losing weight since she lambed last september, which is understandable, but hasn't gained it back despite multiple drenchings, being up to date with vaccinating and lots of good food and quality hay. She is approximately condition score...