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  1. J

    New to sheep

    Thank you for the replies, I am just getting my feet wet. I currently live in town and have meat rabbits and a garden. Next year with moving onto this 1.5 acres I am looking at garden, fruit trees, chickens, and a feeder pig or two. Then the next year get into my bigger livestock such as...
  2. J

    New to sheep

    Located in central PA, we are looking to get most bang for our buck so unsure whether we would like to keep sheep or raise a beef steer. We are definitely going to have some layer chickens and run some broilers in a chicken tractor, also are going to pen up some feeder pigs.
  3. J

    New to sheep

    My family and I will be closing on a new home in the next few weeks out in the country. It has almost an acre and a half. We definitely plan on raising chickens and some feeder pigs. I have always been interested in sheep, I know I can raise more than a beef steer on an acre and a half. What...