So Miss Bratty is walking very nicely as long as we have a cup of her sweet feed with us. Our new morning routine is take her out with the sweet feed just ahead of her. When we get to the pen, we put the feed on the stump that they lay/play on. She munches while we get the other two and...
Nope....we have separate leashes for all 3. The brother and sister walk together and our brat we take out separately usually first. If we take her with the other 2 she butts them. But they are all going to the outdoor pen together and are in sight of each other the whole time.
My gut is...
Hi! This is our first year with goats and love them to death. We got 1 doe this spring....She turns 1 in October. When we got her she was leash trained with no problems. We walked her constantly.
We brought home a younger brother and sister for her about 2 months ago. We went through the...