
  1. shepherdO

    Help me understand Pinkeye, Chlamydia, Abortion, et al.

    I'm in my second year of the sheep game, and this year I have 8 pregnant ewes. All took with first cycle exposure to my young (now 9 months) ram - yes! They were all bred between Sept 30 and Oct. 21st, making them between and 3.5 - 6.5 weeks pregnant at the moment. However, one of my ewes had...
  2. Hawaiianhighlandsfarm

    Unstable sheep

    Hey guys it's been a while since ive posted cuz things with my ewe have been going pretty good. Until today! She is doing things ive never seen before. My husband just told me she got into the cracked corn and went to town. So now im thinking its bloat. I drenched her with olive oil and she...
  3. freechicken

    Possible chlamydia outbreak - advice please!

    I have a total of five does in my herd, three of which are bred and due to deliver within the next nine days. The other two are doelings that haven't been bred yet and are new additions to the herd. One of my pregnant does, a first freshener, began to have a little discharge last Sunday. At...