
  1. Mahoney

    Alabama/Georgia - Anyone near us?

    Hello everyone! I saw the old Alabama thread, but most of those people were last seen a couple years ago. We are in Roanoke, AL. Is there anyone near us? Especially people who love goats?😄 We love connecting with people in our area! (We have Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Kune Kune Pigs, American Guinea...
  2. Mahoney

    Hello From Alabama!!

    Hello Everyone! I joined a couple months ago, I just have not introduced myself yet. We own a homestead in Roanoke, AL, where we raise Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Kune Kune Pigs, American Guinea hogs, Guinea hens, Red Star Chickens, Delaware Chickens and Quails. All of our animals are fed organic and...
  3. Alabamagal

    A quick hey..

    ..from south central Alabama! Happy to have found y'all and hope to learn a lot as a new goat mom to a ND 4 mo old wether and 5 mo old doeling. I'm so in love!! Hopefully, with more experience, I'll one day be sharing helpful advice with others myself. As empty-nesters, hubby and I left the...
  4. Kaye

    Kaye's bunny journal

    I've had rabbits before, but it has been a long time since I've had more than one at a time. We got my buck, Thumper, three, almost four years ago and I got him a doe two months back, Blossom. I was told that she didn't take care of her litters. They had a litter of nice, healthy kits and...
  5. Kaye

    Hello from Alabama!!

    We live in western Jefferson county. I also have a BYC profile. Search- Bantamturkey. Have two bunnies and hopefully more in about a week. Seven bantams, 50 layer hens, three established turkeys, one poult, turkey eggs, bantam eggs, a few buff orp eggs, a goat, a hog, a pitbull, a chicken...
  6. G

    Fence Posts in North AL

    Howdy, folks. I'm looking to build (or have built) some horse fencing, in particular my wife wants about 350 feet of 5' non-climb woven wire and round wooden posts. Our soil is very high in clay. Most of the local "professionals" dig and cement the posts in place, and they generally claim to...