Hi! I’ve been a member on BYC since May and thought I would also check out this site and the Self Sufficient one. It wasn't until literally just a few minutes ago I felt it necessary to create an account instead of lurking. Sadly, but hopefully everything will turn out okay :fl
My menagerie...
Hey there! Yes, another chicken person. I'm Rachel in Arizona and I have, among others, a one-legged mutt rooster, two silkies, three Buff Orpingtons, several bantam mutt hens, some RIRs, a few Australorps, and some Barred Rocks.
Had a question I wanted to post or I might have just waited...
Hi there,
I've never really used this forum very much because I don't have the appropriate animals but I have a breeding pair of guinea hogs now. Mostly, I do chickens and therefore am on BackYard Chickens more, also as SnowPeeOstrichU. Feel free to PM me there, as I'm more likely to see it. I...