Hello, yesterday when I was doing chores I noticed our cat limping, so checked it out. His front right leg is pretty swollen, and he’s not using it. We cleaned it up with chlorhexidine and then soaked it in epsom salt warm water. I assumed he got in a fight when out hunting, because I found what...
Hi everyone, I'm looking into getting some Angora rabbits and want to keep them inside. I have two cats and a dog (Teddy Bear Shih Tzu), so basically the cats are bigger than the dog. They're all really good with animals as I have raised several sets of chicks and ducklings around them without...
Sooo anyone have any good home treatment for a cat with earmites... have been treating him with OC drops for 2 months.... off and on.... he was treated with milbemite this summer at the vets.... I know some bunny people say oil of some kind... it's not an infection... just gunky ears smelly ears.
I saw this forum doesn't have many posts on it and not much activity, which saddens me. I'm a big fan of using natural means to maintain health when at all possible, especially for animals. Lately I've been exploring the same methods for my dogs, though I've used natural methods on them down...