I have 10 laying hens, 3 Rhodeislands, 4 black sex links (stars), and 3 deleware orphingtons. In the past 2-3 weeks, one of my Rhode islands pecked my little 3 yearold sister in the eye, with no reason. She wasn't being rough or aggravating, she just sat on the ground and without warning she...
So about a month ago, we ordered 40 red ranger chicks, along with 30 jersey giants and 20 lavender Orpingtons. All was well, until we realized that our red ranger chicks were growing INSANELY fast, and also not really turning red. They ended up turning white, and kept growing and growing. Now...
Hello chicken pet owners,
I have chicken for pets. Here is the story/problem. I will appreciate your comments if you know how to help my chicken.
I will use names because it is easier this way. I have a hen Koko since about a week old. She adopted me during holidays in the family farm. I...