Sunn hemp, anyone use it as forage?
My reading says it has about a 60 day cycle time, high protien in the leaves (~30%), and doesn't seed in most of the United States due to its lack of cold hardiness. It also is said to be good at adding nitrogen the soil when mowed. Higher is said to be 4-6...
Okay. I've realized I've been flooding my BYH page with too many pictures... of unrelated things. ;) SO! Here we go. A photography page of things just because.
*******Warning: Thread may contain graphic pics of blood, innards, dead animals, etc., as we live on and work a homestead, on which this pup's job is integral. If this offends you, you might want to leave the thread now. ******
Thought I'd move my training of our 2.5 mo. old LGD pup over to a...