
  1. A

    New to goats feed question

    Hi everyone, so I have a friend who wants two pygmy goats and wishes me to house them. I have also been planning on adding Nigerian Dwarf goats to my farm and thought it would be a good idea to get them all at the same time so I can have a decent size herd to start and no one will get lonely...
  2. Dwarfgoatnoob


    I recently bought a Nigerian dwarf goat and he barely eats the hay we got for him. I looked it up and it said he could eat Timothy grass but he doesn’t seem to like it. We might try and bring him to a supply store and see what he likes.im worried about him someone help
  3. BrittanyLeigh

    Pygmy exercise, HELP!

    I am new to goats ... I recently 'adopted' 2 pygmy goats. They are leash trained and I have started walking them around the neighborhood. Which they (and all the neighborhood kids) love. I would like to take them hiking eventually but I do not know how much exercise is too much? As long as these...
  4. R

    Alfalfa Pellets as primary feed

    I have a herd of 7 Nigerian Dwarfs. 2 kids, 4 does (1 still in milk) and a buck. All of them are 3 years old or less. We have had them on hay but want to switch to pellets because we are struggling to find good hay where we are at. My questions are: 1. How much to feed per day, per goat? 2...
  5. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    My 1 1/2 year old Nigerian Dwarf, Arrow, is having a rough time. I am hoping someone here has some advice or experience with a similar issue. Arrow was wormed with Ivermectin pour-on, per vets recommendation at the end of Sept, '16. Shortly after, I noticed flaking, dry skin on a couple does...
  6. Ferguson K

    Ferguson K's kidding thread! - Morgan's turn

    Here we may have a little more fun. All of the does are expecting and I have no idea when!!! I'm a bad mom. I've been busy and didn't hand breed. The boys were introduced to the girls in early October. Early October for Prudence, Lilly, and Poppy. Late October for Aelia, Miss Red, Karma, and...